DJI has done it again. A new product was unofficially announced.
But we don’t know yet if the Chinese manufacturer is going to unveil a drone, a ground camera or a combination of both.
At the 4th of October DJI uploaded a new video to their official YouTube channel.
The video showed some amazing aerials mixed with very nice and smooth ground shots. Spectacular, but not new. They always prepare these kinds of videos before the launch of a new product.
Already now speculations rise: is the new product gonna be a removable drone camera that can be used both in the air and on the ground?
Or can we finally expect a successor of the Osmo series?
The quality of the video is way too high for a normal Osmo, the unsharp background (bokeh), the narrow look of the footage both lead to only one conclusion: the new camera works with interchangeable lenses.
Maybe DJI works on a new camera for the DJI Inspire 2 drone, maybe even a full-frame solution - a camera that either works when being attached to the drone itself or to an Osmo stick.
The theory sounds plausible because DJI started working together with Hasselblad, a Swedish manufacturer of high-end cameras.
And until now we have not seen an outcome of the collaboration.
If it finally turns out to be a DJI / Hasselblad product, we can for sure say that it is going to be a milestone in aerial videography/photography. But we can as well say, that the product is going to be very expensive, as both companies are known for steep pricing of their products, as the competition is too small to push the prices down.
Click here to find out more about the new product (link is active as soon as news leak out).
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